Shmita: An Ancient Technology for Rest and Repair

Shmita: An Ancient Technology for Rest and Repair
Tuesday, October 5th, 6PM PST

Shmita is a Jewish framework for rest and repair. Literally meaning “release” in Hebrew, Shmita occurs every seven years and is a period when the Torah instructs Jews to let the land rest, forgive all debts, resolve disputes and open their hearts to those in need. We are currently in a Shmita year and progressive Jews are applying Shmita values to growing social movements — sustainable farming, mutual aid, wealth redistribution, prison abolition, environmental justice, and land back. Artist Julie Weitz, in collaboration with Sol Yael Weiss and Ian Schiffer, invites us to imagine how a world that collectively resets human relationships to the land, animals and one other, is a radical model for reparations and ecological justice.

Julie Weitz is a queer Ashkenazi video and performance artist living on Tongva land whose interdisciplinary practice also includes writing, teaching, and activism. Since 2010, her focus has been the production of experimental videos; these videos form the basis for broader immersive experiences, including live performances, narrative short films, and public art installations. Through a poetic reinterpretation of Yiddish folklore and Jewish mysticism, Weitz’s work uses humor and ritual to propose ethically-grounded and intersectional reconsiderations of pressing contemporary issues.

Sol Yael Weiss (they/them) lives, prays, and farms on Schaghticoke Mohican land as part of the core team at Linke Fligl, a queer Jewish Chicken farm. They are a non-binary trans white Ashkenazi printmaker, illustrator and organizational development nerd who loves catching songs, building queer family and dreaming of a rematriated & land-based collective future. Their work is guided by their inquiry into what ecology, community and tradition can teach us about overcoming oppressive systems, healing and building new worlds.

Ian Shiffer (he/him) is an organizer, community-builder, and resource mobilizer born and raised in Tovaangar/LA. He spends his days working as the Community Weaver for Nefesh and organizing for reparations via intergenerational return/teshuvah. Ian loves going for walks looking for the sun and connecting with his neighbors, spending time with his kin, playing, laughing, and reading.

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